

Youth & Young Adults
Ages 14-24

Capital Workforce Partners serves customers through the American Job Centers. All American Job Centers are open to the public. Customers can visit the American Job Center locations for services or call to make an appointment.
Need help with an unemployment claim? Go to www.FileCTUI.com for help online and for Consumer Contact Center phone numbers.
We will continue to offer virtual services in the Hartford area.
You can also access in-person services at one of our other locations, available here, by phone with our Call Center at 860-4063374 and press 3, or fill out this contact form: Capital Workforce Contact Form.
Our Local Impact
Capital Workforce Partners is the North Central Region of Connecticut’s premier workforce development organization, with a statewide reach in helping businesses find, retain, and grow the most qualified talent.
Success Stories
Help Us Create Progress
Through public and private partnerships we can keep North Central CT working. Get involved.
Share your voice. Be part of the solution.
Latest News
On October 20, 2017 Alex Johnson was recognized at the 5th Annual 100 Men of Color Black Tie Gala & Awards
The 100 Men of Color Black Tie Gala & Awards celebrated the power of Family, Friends and the Community to honor the past, present and the future Men of Color.
5th Annual Resource Fair
5th Annual Resource Fair In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month The 5th Annual Resource Fair in recognition of, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, was held at American Jobs Center in Hartford, CT on Friday October 20th, 2017....
The Travelers Foundation’s contribution of a $90,000 grant to Capital Workforce Partners
Capital Workforce Partners is pleased to announce the generous investment of The Travelers Foundation’s contribution of a $90,000 grant to Capital Workforce Partners in support of youth employment strategies aligned to the Hartford Student Internship Plan (HSIP). The...