Opportunity Youth

Are you between 18 and 24 years old? Photo of a young man working in a manufacturing facility

Did you not finish high school or graduated but are unemployed?

Are you interested in FREE training for an exciting career that can earn you a great salary?

Our workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs for youth who are not currently in school provide FREE access to training and skill-building activities that will result in jobs and self-sustaining CAREERS!

To learn more about Opportunity Youth or to sign up, please contact one of our listed providers, or contact us at 860-522-1111.


Capital Workforce Partners is proud to support Campaign for Working Connecticut’s opportunity youth public engagement activities. For more information on their work and our partnership, click below!

best chance jobs program


A man using a wrench to fix a machine.


two smiling young women

Youth & Young Adults

Ages 14-24