Hartford Opportunity Youth Collaborative (HOYC)
Hartford Opportunity Youth Collaborative is chaired by the Mayor of Hartford and made up of leaders in education, youth development, and workforce development committed to addressing the needs of Opportunity Youth. This collective impact effort will help these youth obtain their high school diploma, continue their education, and find employment.
Vision & Mission
Vision: Hartford Youth are educated, employed, and self-sufficient.
Mission: To design and implement a full-scale, multi-year, comprehensive plan to improve the quality of life outcomes for Opportunity Youth (OY).
Through collective impact, we are implementing strategies to empower youth leaders, enhance and expand effective career pathways, use Results-Based Accountability to inform decision-making and assess progress, and support policies to scale up and sustain this work.
HOYC is chaired by the Mayor of Hartford and comprised of leaders in youth and workforce development committed to developing a full-scale, multi-year, comprehensive plan to address the needs of Opportunity Youth in the region.
Members include:
Achieve Hartford!
ANT Business Concepts
Asnuntuck Community College
Billings Forge Community Works
Blue Hills Civic Association
Boys and Girls Club of Hartford
Capital Community College
Capital Workforce Partners
Capitol Region Education Council
Career Resources/STRIVE
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Hartford
Center for Children’s Advocacy
Center for Latino Progress
Chrysalis Center
City of Hartford
COMPASS / Peacebuilders
CT Association of Human Services
CT Central State University
CT Department of Children and Families
CT Department of Corrections
CT Judicial Branch (Court Support Services Division)
CT Juvenile Justice Alliance
CT State Colleges and Universities
Hartford Adult Education
Hartford Behavioral Health
Hartford Communities That Care
Hartford Consortium for Higher Education
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Hartford Job Corps
Hartford Police Department
Hartford Public Library
Hartford Public Schools
Hispanic Health Council
JAG Connecticut
Leadership Greater Hartford – Third Age Initiative
Metro Hartford Alliance
Move Up!
Our Piece of the Pie
Project Longevity
The Village for Children and Families
United Way of Central and Northeastern CT
Urban League of Greater Hartford
Wheeler Clinic
Workforce Solutions Collaborative of Metro Hartford
YMCA of Greater Hartford
YWCA Hartford Region
Career Navigation System
In response to the rising workforce needs in the Hartford area by business and industry, Capital Workforce Partners, the City of Hartford, along with the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving and other public/private investors are collaborating to increase the future talent pipeline access to career opportunities, summer employment and support services for Hartford youths, through the Career Navigation System.
This system helps young adults navigate their career options and achieve sustainable employment, in addition to helping youth organizations and leaders manage the network of outreach workers, mentors, teachers, and case managers that support youth as they move toward engaging careers.
For more information, contact Tariq Levy-Pulliam, Career Navigator Systems Coordinator, at [email protected] or call 860-899-3519.
Through the Resource Directory developed through this initiative, youth can discover a wealth of opportunities and explore a comprehensive online directory of services for youth ages 14-29 in Hartford. From educational resources to career guidance, our directory connects you to the support and programs designed to help you thrive. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, find a job, explore new interests, or working with young people to connect them to relevant programs offerings, our directory is your go-to resource for navigating the wide range of services available in Hartford.
If you believe in giving young people the opportunity to become part of the world of work please consider making a donation today to help us support Youth Employment.



Youth & Young Adults
Ages 14-24