Disability Resources
CWP is here to help you navigate the available disability resources. Let us be your employment network!
Disability Resource Coordinator
The Disability Resource Coordinator at our American Job Centers in North Central Connecticut is your central point of contact and information for employers and employees with workplace needs. The Coordinator is an excellent resource for virtually any program that is designed to help successfully employ people with disabilities. Contact us at one of our American Job Center locations for more information.
The Disability Resource Coordinator assists employers and jobseekers by:
- Providing consultation with employers on reasonable accommodations
- Identifying community resources targeted to people with disabilities
- Bringing the resources of the American Job Center Network to community events
- Coordinating staff training on disability-related topics
- Coordinating public workshops on disclosure, reasonable accommodations, work incentives, and jobseekers’ rights and responsibilities
- Outreach to in-school and out-of-school youths with disabilities
- Guidance on SSI and SSDI work incentive programs to help jobseekers maintain benefits
Customers have choices in deciding the services and/or training programs that best fit their needs, as well as the organizations that will provide the services.
For more information, please contact Jill Larmett, Disability Resource Coordinator, at 860-899-3446 or [email protected].
Ticket to Work / Work Incentives Seminar Event
Your Ticket to Work could give you more income and independence!
Did you know?
- You can go to work and still receive Social Security benefits
- You may do better by going off Social Security benefits and living on your earnings
- You may have work incentives available that will let you easily go back on your benefits, if needed
- Even if you go off your disability benefits, you may still be able to maintain your medical benefits
Do you want to?
- Increase your income
- Explore work options and incentives
- Keep Medicaid/Medicare while you work
- Build your independence and secure your future
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program and other work incentives for adults age 18 to 64 with a disability can help you find and keep meaningful work. Choose the American Job Center as your Ticket to Work provider! Download the Ticket to Work Flyer
Additional Resources
These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by the Capital Workforce Partners of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. Capital Workforce Partners bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
A Veteran’s Resume and Job Hunting Guide
Careers Helping People with Disabilities
Connecticut CORE Transition Skills (State Dept. of Education)
Connecticut Department of Labor’s Resources
Comprehensive list of Disability Assistance Resources in North Central Connecticut
United Way’s 211 Connecticut Infoline
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
The Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN)
JAN – Job Accommodation Network
The Employment and Disability Institute (EDI)
The Freedom Ride Accessible Taxi Program
Guide for Job Seekers & Workers with a Disability
Mental Health Disabilities and Employment: A Guide to Rights & Advocacy
College Planning Guide for Students with Learning Disabilities
Resources for People With Disabilities to Get Healthcare Job
NVISION (A free online resource dedicated to helping people live better by seeing better.)
Excelling in Nursing School with a Learning Disability
ASU’s Thunderbird School of Global Management
Resources for People With Disabilities Looking to Get Into Healthcare Careers
NursingEducation – Guide for Students with Disabilities on Choosing a Career in Nursing
Addiction Resources for College Students
Trade Schools for People with Learning Disabilities
Medicare Coverage for People with Disabilities:
Medicare Eligibility for People with Disabilities
Enrolling in Medicare With a Disability
Medicare Resources for Veterans
College Student Resources (via study.com):
Navigating Online Learning: Strategies for Neurodivergent College Students
College and Career Guide for Students with Disabilities
College Guide for Students with Learning Differences



Youth & Young Adults
Ages 14-24