Labor Market Information
Capital Workforce Partners provides Labor Market Information for key occupations within Hartford County and the State of Connecticut. Browse the links below to learn more.
Connecticut’s total nonfarm payroll jobs increased by 1.2% (+20,100) from December 2023, reaching 1,715,900 jobs by the end of 20249. In every month of 2024, Hartford LMA jobs comprised over a third of the state’s total employment (34%). These jobs grew at a greater rate throughout the year in line with the state’s job increases, growing by 1.9% (+11,000) from December 2023 and reaching 591,100 by the end of the year, amounting to over half of the total job growth in the state over 2024.

These reports provide an overview of the current state of workforce regionally, statewide, and nationally, exploring key indicators such as job openings, unemployment, in-demand occupations and industries, and more. Read our most recent release below!
Past Labor Situation Reports
Other Reports
CTHires is the state’s electronic job matching system, part of the nation’s largest Internet employment service. The service is free for both employers and job seekers.



Youth & Young Adults
Ages 14-24