American Job Centers

Each year, millions of Americans receive career guidance, job placement, and business services from our nation’s “One-Stop Career Centers” known as the American Job Center Network.

At these job centers, teams of career agents, job developers, and business services consultants have joined together, in partnership with the CT Department of Labor to help you reach your goals.

Visit an American Job Center today, call us at (860) 406-3374, or fill out this contact form:
American Job Center Locations in our Region

Hartford American Job Center | Now Open!
60 Weston Street, Hartford, CT, 06120
Phone: (860) 256-3700
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am – 4:15 pm

Need help with an unemployment claim? Go to for help online and for Consumer Contact Center phone numbers.

For help with virtual employment services, call to schedule an appointment: 860-256-3700.

New Britain American Job Center
260 Lafayette St., New Britain, CT 06053
Phone/TTY: 860-899-3500
Fax: 860-827-6210
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Hartford Downtown American Job Center Satellite
AJC @ HPL | Hartford Public Library
500 Main St., Hartford, CT
Phone: 860-695-6226
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Manchester American Job Center
893 Main St., Manchester, CT 06040
Phone/TTY: 860-643-2222
Fax: 860-533-0335
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Enfield American Job Center
Enfield AJC at Asnuntuck Community College 
170 Elm St., Enfield, CT 06082
Phone/TTY: 860-899-3514
Fax: 860-745-7376
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Bristol American Job Center 
Bristol AJC at Tunxis Community College
430 North Main St., Bristol, CT 06010
Phone/TTY: 860-899-3620
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

East Hartford American Job Center 
East Hartford AJC at Goodwin University
417 Main St., East Hartford, CT 06118
Phone/TTY: 860-929-3880
Fax: 860-913-2399
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm


American Job Center / Jobs Funnel Locations in the Region

Hartford: 20 – 28 Sargeant Street, Veeder Place, Hartford, CT

Search for American Job Center Locations Nationwide

Customer Survey

Tell us how we did! Please complete this survey, regarding your satisfaction with the service you received at the American Job Center One-Stop Career Center. Then, just click on the “done” button to submit.

The American Job Center Program is made possible in part by Capital Workforce Partners and supported by the U.S. Dept. of Labor through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act.  The American Job Center Program is financed with $3,522,251 in federal funds which is 52% of the total funding.  The balance is financed with non-federal funds in the amount of $3,192,912 which is 48% of the total funding.

CTHires is the state’s electronic job matching system, part of the nation’s largest Internet employment service. The service is free for both employers and job seekers.

best chance jobs program


A man using a wrench to fix a machine.


two smiling young women

Youth & Young Adults

Ages 14-24